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DNC Strategy

The liberal Democrat strategy is simple, brilliant, and effective. It would be great for America except for its deceptive, insidious, self-serving goals. So, let's get started - here are the strategies:

  1. Identify disenfranchised segments of the population and champion their cause. And, if they aren’t actually disenfranchised, create hysteria over twisted, deceptive, artfully misrepresented “facts” that whip its members into frenzied anger. Manufacture Victims
  2. Free stuff. Except, of course, that nothing is really free – it must be earned – well, at least by someone.
  3. Infiltrate and infest. Insert activist operatives into every Government institution to drive actions unable to be accomplished by elected officials through proper legislative channels.

We will look at each of these strategies in more detail.


Jealousy is a powerful tool to create dissatisfaction, anger and helplessness. Democrats inflame jealousy and envy in their target audiences without ever mentioning anything they could do to actually help themselves. Even worse, Democrats implement policies that ensure their audiences are kept in their place and dissatisfied for generations. They intimidate their audiences to keep them in line.

"The Eye Sees What the Mind Looks for" [1]

Othello Principle by Dr. Dennis R. Deaton, author of Ownership Spirit ® [2]

The reality is, if you go looking you will find whatever you are looking for. If you're looking for how you have been slighted in life, you will find hundreds of examples. Everybody can find them. If you're looking for how you can seize opportunities and succeed, you will find that too. Liberal Democrats have seized on the negative side of life, and uses it to control its subscribers. They get angrier, helpless, hopeless, and give up. Exactly what the Liberal Democrats want. That puts you in their control.

Liberal Democrats have no hold on empowered people who Own their life direction, because they have no time to waste on self-pity or Victimhood no matter their race, gender, age or wealth.

When was the last time liberal Democrats actually did anything beneficial for the groups they claim to represent? They offer symbolic "support" which only serves to inflame dissatisfaction and anger, but they do nothing to improve their fate. Click below to examine these population segments in more detail.

Blacks Women Black and Brown Low Income LGBT Child Sexualization


Another powerful tool to buy votes is to provide taxpayer-funded free stuff - welfare, food stamps, child support, health care, housing, transportation, education, and more. Only in America could a political party use the taxpayer's Treasury funds to buy votes to the tune of thousands of dollars per vote. And of course only in America would the term taxpayer-funded would be used in the same sentence with free

Click below to examine these population segments in more detail.

Young People Illegal Immigrants


Liberal Left Democrats are losing their grip on their Victim groups as they increasingly realize the sham of the Democrat policies, and the fact that in the long run they are actually being harmed, not helped, by those policies. The good news is, the Liberal Left Democrats are looking for still more votes so - who knows - you may wake up some day and "discover" that you are a victim too but just didn't know it. So long as you are an attractive vote pool, that is.

A better option is to check out the Systemic Victimhood topic below. Democrats have amassed so many Victims that they now frequently step on each other with conflicting agendas. Next check out how "shortcuts" to success offered by Liberal Left Democrats are really a fool's folly. Then check out our Solutions topics that will actually help you and America excel, and shake off failing Liberal Left Democrat policies.

Systemic Victimhood Shortcuts


The last strategy of the Liberal Left Democratic party is to inject activist operatives into every facet of American society. Knowing that their failed policies will never pass the Constitutional Legislative process, the alternative is to infest Government, Education, Judicial, Media, Tech, Business and Sports with operatives that will carry out their wishes. Americans are waking up to this strategy, however, and are taking our Nation back. Here we will look at examples in one department:


Also see our topics on Corruption and The Will of the People for details.

Don't Take The Bait

  1. The Othello Principle: The Eye Sees What the Mind Looks for Dr. Dennis R. Deaton
  2. Ownership Spirit: The One Grand Key that Changes Everything Else Geniecast
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