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End Generational Poverty


Kids who grow up in poverty are likely to be in poverty when they become adults - generation after generation. This cycle must be broken.

But How?

First and foremost, by getting fathers back into the household. Kids are nurtured and supported by a father and a mother providing security, guidance and support [8].

Unfortunately, well-intended Government programs incentivize fathers to be absent from the home. This MUST be changed.

Remarks by Future President Barack Obama at the Apostolic Church of God, Chicago, June 15,2008 and confirmed by Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Harvard Medical School

Second, early childhood development is strongly influenced by reading. Parents who incessantly read to their children - even as infants - give them a thirst for learning [6]. ANY reading - nursery rhymes, short stories, tales, Bible stories - are all important, and kids like repetition. Make reading exciting - sound effects, singing parts, silly actions - to increase the interest level. And yes, reading them to sleep is fine too. As a parent you will know you have succeeded when your child, on their own, begins picking up their books and bringing them to you to read, or picking up their books and begin "reading" them out loud. It may sound like babble, but it's your child beginning to emulate your example. Never mind that the book may be upside down 😀

Choose books that teach Good Values. Examples include:

Following are some other great economical choices for learning tools:

When old enough, require that the parent [2]:

Keep in mind that it's YOU, the parents, that your child needs setting the example, not a toy or television program. These tools are OK in very limited doses, but it's YOU that your child is looking to for guidance. Also, beware of television programs and books that have a political or social activist agenda - avoid them at all costs! Examples are programs that sexualize children, and tell them what's wrong with their country. As children they need to learn life lessons and basic job skills - not be indoctrinated into any particular political agenda.

Third, get families into secure, drug-free, gang-free, low crime environments. Twisted political thinking comes up with some of the most perverse ideas. One of these is to remove security controls and security personnel from entrances of low income housing. These controls formerly reduced entry of guns, drugs and malicious personnel from these buildings. But some politicians saw the restrictions of these "freedoms" as racial so they were banned.

Here's why this is so important. Kids who grow up in an environment of drugs, gangs, crime and low values are going to follow the examples they see. Acting out those examples will likely to land them in prison. Incarceration creates a host of life-long collateral consequences that include restricted employment prospects, housing instability, family disruption, stigma, and disenfranchisement. These consequences set individuals back by imposing new punishments after prison [3].

It is imperative that options be made available to low income families to elect to live in secure, drug-free, gang-free, low crime environments.


  1. The financial incentive for fathers to be absent from the home MUST be removed. Therefore, unmarried fathers must be identified - voluntarily, or via DNA testing if disputed - and share financial responsibility for child support, garnishing wages if necessary. If the father is able bodied:
    • If reliable support payments are not forthcoming voluntarily, then the payments to mothers should come directly from the Government.
    • The father, then, should be required to make payments to the Government (plus a handling fee), which are in turn paid to the mother.
    • If the father fails to pay the Government then legal processes such as garnishing wages should be applied.
    • If the father's income places him below the Poverty Threshold, or is unemployed, then the father's Welfare payments should be reduced to cover the child support payments.
    • If the father is incarcerated the Government should cover the child support payments until the father is released.
  2. Welfare payments for child support must be terminated - and replaced by an employment contract. The terms of the contract are to hire the parent(s) to a full-time 40 hour per week job to nurture their child(ren):
    • Reading/learning as described in the second point above.
    • Visits to age-appropriate activities such as parks, playgrounds, zoos, aquariums, water pads, swimming pools, Discovery centers, and other hands-on activities
    • Museums (think Space, Science, Music, Adventure, etc. - especially hands-on exhibits)
    The 40 hours per week do not include food preparation, hygiene, shopping, TV babysitting, etc. - only the personal nurturing activities described above. Parents should be required to log the hours spent, and to periodically demonstrate results by showing proficiencies that their child(ren) have attained.
  3. Low income housing must be provided that limits residents to those who elect to impose standards that protect their families:
    • Controlled access to the facility
    • Securiity personnel present and welcomed
    • Police presence welcomed, although less likely to be needed
    • Prohibition of weapons on the premises
    • Prohibition of illegal drugs and marijuana on the premises
    • Prohibition of alcohol on the premises
    • Prohobition of gang membership and activity
    • An environment that fosters academic excellence
    • An environment that fosters aversion of crime
    The housing must be provided in areas that are physically separated from housing under Liberal Political control.


The goal of these recommendations is not punishment of parents. Parents are the key to breaking the cycle of generational poverty by nurturing their children, not the Government. The goal is to give focus to the priority parents need to give to ensure that their children succeed and become capable, contributing adults. This can be instilled by giving their children the insatiable desire to read, learn, envision, create, and imagine what they will be when they grow up.

Parents have a strong vested interest in the outcome of raising their children. If successful then when they grow old their children will be around and able to help provide the care they need. If unsuccessful the child may have no marketable skills, grow up participating in gangs, crime, or fathering children out of wedlock, and may not be able to be depended on when needed due to:

Don't Take The Bait


Federal and State Governments should partner with private publishers, local bookstores and charities:
  • Expand initiatives such as Tennessee-based Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library [4] book a month program for children up to age 6 and New Jersey-based Bridge of Books Foundation [7] for underserved children
  • Enlist 48 – preferably Black – additional sport/celebrity/wealthy state sponsors of childrens' book programs
  • Establish an initiative for companies such as local bookstores, Goodwill, Dollar Stores, etc. to provide Free Libraries of children's books where parents can come to return/exchange books when no longer needed or for new materials
  • Encourage local communities to create and sponsor Neighborhood Lending Libraries [5] (see photo 🢂)

  1. Statistics don't lie in this case PolitiFact/The Poynter Institute
  2. Dr. Ben Carson - Liberty University Convocation November 11, 2015 Liberty University
  3. The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State Prisons The Sentencing Project
  4. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
  5. Little Free Library Little Free Library
  6. Celebrating Read Across America Day with The Little Golden Books Mast General Store
  7. Bridge of Books Foundation Bridge of Books Foundation
  8. Poverty Is Caused By The Dad Gap AZ Free News
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