
Don't Take The Bait America

Exposing Flawed Liberal Left Policies
Presenting Solid Achievable Solutions

If you have been a lifelong Democrat, consider that the party has changed out from under you. No longer will you hear "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country" [1]. Today's Democratic party is a radical departure from that virtue, now focusing on handouts they can engineer for you - in exchange for your vote. Is this what you want to embrace?

This web site is about some of the most brilliant people on the planet. They have unbelievable insight and have undertaken decades-long advance planning to conceive the actions and controls necessary to achieve their goals. They understand the tools, the mechanisms that motivate people to act. They understand the specialized interests of segments of the population and can articulate ideas that get them excited. They leverage activists of the special interest groups to enact the plans for them.

This would be fantastic if their goals were to advance We The People, the American people - or even the World's people. Unfortunately, their goals are only to enrich themselves.

If you're like most Americans, never in a million years would you have guessed that our Nation could have fallen so far, so quickly.

If you're a Democrat this web site is going to be hard to believe. That's because this information is the truth that has been engineered to be hidden from you by brilliant Politicians, Big Media, Big Tech and Big Sports. Brilliant - yes, but not For The People - YOU. Instead, for their own enrichment. The propaganda has been well conceived, it has been infested into our Education, Courts and Foundational (now Weaponized) Institutions and Agencies for decades. And now they're striking.

Every day thousands of citizens are awakening to what has been going on in plain sight for the very well planned previous decades [2]. The bureaucrats understand this, so are upping their game as never before - Cancel Culture, Class Warfare (Pay Their Fair Share, Equal Pay for Women, One Percenters, Fat Cats), Insurrection, Race warfare and any other false or incendiary tactic they can invent.

Today many Democrats are recognizing that they didn't leave the Party; the Party left them.

Watch the life story [3] of a person who took a hard look at what the political parties had to offer and and discovered she, like many others, had been deceived and was on the wrong path.

Explore this web site and discover the truth that has been concealed from you. Then get active, voice your objection to the direction the Bureaucrats are taking the country.


This web site doesn't tip-toe around. It's direct and to the point. We address issues head-on, and unflinching in the face of Liberal Left Activists and the Cancel Culture. If you want to know why your dreams and aspirations under Liberal Left Policies have floundered, read on to discover the new path you can take to obtain real progress toward success in your life.


The Liberal Left has worked for decades to divide the nation. By race, gender, wealth, age, religion, law abiding and lawless. They have counted on the politeness of decent people to not get involved as each boundary is pushed back, getting bolder and bolder with each step. Who would ever have believed that senior liberal politicians would praise criminals, bail them out, and not charge persons for stealing less than $950? We've come a long way, Baby.


The end game of the Liberal Democrats is not to make life any better for any of the Liberal Left's "Victim" groups: Blacks, Women, Black and Brown, Low Income, LGBT, Young People or Illegal Immigrants. The end game is to destroy the Constitutional and Judeo Christian values of the Nation and replace them. The strategy is to get the abovementioned "Victims" warring with each other so that they will do the job of tearing down the nation for the Elites, thereby permitting the Elites to begin the reconstruction.

Reconstruction to WHAT?

To replace our Democracy that was carefully crafted For The People with an Autocracy that serves to enrich the Elite class of Politicians, Bureaucrats and Technocrats to control the population under Socialism. An Elite class that knows what is better for you than you know what is better for you. An Elite class that tells you What to think, When to think, Where to work, ... And if you don't conform your source of income will be removed, and you will be "re-educated".

Don't Take The Bait

Remember, Liberal Democrats will never stop LYING - but you can stop BELIEVING.

  1. President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address (1961) The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
  2. Former NYT Reporter: Americans Seeing Trump Was Right, Coming Out of 'Woke Slumber' The Western Journal
  3. The Shocking Truths That Set Me Free YouTube
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