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Democrat Hypocrisy


The landmark Civil Rights act was passed during the administration of President Johnson. Yet, President Lyndon Johnson made liberal use of the word n****r.

When a black chauffeur told him he’d prefer to be called by name instead of “boy”, “n****r” or “chief”, President Johnson replied:

"As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, n****r, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture."

President Lyndon Baines Johnson

Lady Bird Johnson and daughter Luci Baines Johnson referred to Black members of the White House staff using racial slurs as well.


Liberal Democratic activists will be quick to point out that Snopes evaluates these statements as Unproven despite reliable first-hand reporting of the statements [1]. Credible sources challenge this evaluation by left-leaning Snopes. When a trustworthy source reported that Luci Baines Johnson flatly denied the claim that she once screamed Go find my n****r’ (i.e., her servant), Snopes called the report into question. It must not have occurred to Snopes that many people would “flatly deny” such a claim [2], [3].

Irrespective of whether the statements were made or not, the Snopes conclusion of President Johnson's view of Blacks is clear with their admission that the quotes “wouldn't have been entirely out of character for LBJ”

So, why is it that Liberal Democrats are focused on advocating the tearing down of references to our Founding Fathers when we have a conspicuously racist leader right in our back yard, in our lifetimes? Shouldn't we be tearing down Lyndon Johnson statues and busts, renaming the Johnson Space Center, Lyndon Johnson buildings, institutions, streets and ships, leveling the LBJ ranch and home, and dismantling the LBJ Library?


Democratic Senator Robert Byrd was a devoted KKK activist, Segregationist and Racist [4].

Subsequently President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden praised Byrd during their eulogies at his 2010 funeral.

So, why is it that Liberal Democrats are focused on advocating the tearing down of references to our Founding Fathers when we have a conspicuously racist KKK leader right in our back yard, in our lifetimes? Shouldn't we be tearing down and renaming the dozens of places buildings, institutions, clinics, bridges, streets and telescopes honoring such a clear racist White Supremacist [6]?


Liberal Democrat activists in the NEA and School Boards have worked for decades to infest our education system. They are indoctrinating our youth to hate America and its values, hate police, divide the country along racial lines, and provide age inappropriate sexual indoctrination and sexualization of our youth [15].

Youth indoctrination is a practice of Communist countries, not America. The best way to fight the propaganda is to provide Universal School Choice. Research shows that when voucher systems are available, both the public and private schools in that school system have increased test scores and graduation rates due to good old-fashioned American competition [8]. Liberal Democrats fervently oppose School Choice and School Vouchers that would permit parents to free their children from failing schools who choose social indoctrination over solid life-skill learning. Studies have also shown that public schools spend 93% more than estimated median private schools [8].


While Democrats claim to be the party that supports the Black community, the Biden administration is vigorously welcoming millions of low education, low skill, non-English speaking Illegal Immigrants into America.

Illegal Immigrants displace Americans from jobs, disproportionately impacting Black Youth, who continue to top the unemployment list [7]. In addition, for leftover jobs that do remain available for Black Youth, wages are driven down by the disproportionate impact on entry-level jobs.


First of all, it's illegal. Second, it imports sex trafficking, drugs, gang members, known terrorists, COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, and distributes them all across the country. Finally, it enriches Mexican drug cartels who have now seized on an industry of "helping" migrants enter America illegally for thousands of dollars commission.

Politicians are sworn to uphold the Constitution, but somehow this fact has escaped Liberal Democrats. The United States has a legal immigration process that vets applicants through a process that also assimilates immigrants into American society. This process helps ensure we accept solid citizens who respect the law and support American values


For 242 years nobody knew the Betsy Ross flag [11] was racist until Liberal Democratic activist Colin Kaepernick's discovery [10]. While it got Kaepernick lots of attention, not even the Democratic elite really believed it, as confirmed when Joe Biden was installed as President two Betsy Ross flags were prominently displayed, as has been long tradition.

Likewise, great admired brands such as Uncle Ben's rice and Aunt Jemima's syrup and pancakes have been eliminated at the behest of the Racist Left. What a shame to bow to such thin-skinned activists . Fortunately Aunt Nellie happened to be white, so we can still enjoy Aunt Nellie's great pickled beets, onions, bean salad and red cabbage.


While Native American activists declare that sports team names such as Redskins and Braves are offensive, the Native American community does not [12].

Three solutions should be implemented when hypocrite activists like this appear:


During the Trump administration Liberal Democrats loudly proclaimed that they wouldn't take any vaccine President Trump advocated, including the COVID-19 vaccines that President Trump succeeded in having developed in record time [13].

Following Biden's installation, Liberal Democrats are demanding Americans to be vaccinated with the Trump Vaccine or lose their jobs, prohibited from public places and transportation, and more. Democrats are more interested in political posturing than the health and welfare of the American people.



Liberal Democrats gleefully focus on mandating that workers be vaccinated for COVID-19 or be fired from their jobs. At the same time there is no such mandate for Welfare recipients or Illegal Immigrants, whose infected members are being distributed throughout the United States to infect the population - then wonder why the infection rate is so high.

Vaccine mandates should not be ordered in the first place (simply lay out convincing Facts and Science, and let people decide for themselves). But it's curious that the persons whose livelihoods could be forfeited for refusing the vaccine were singled out. The mandate should have been implemented FIRST for Welfare recipients and Illegal Immigrants who were and are still completely exempt from scrutiny [9].


Incredibly, the Liberal Left has declared war on the very people that Make America Great - the hard working people that provide the products and services that we all need. Using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse, lavish unemployment benefits were dispensed that resulted in many people being paid more to sit at home than to go to work. For those who did work, mandatory vaccine mandates were imposed; non-compliant persons would lose their job. Even essential workers such as medical personnel are tossed to the curb while supposedly we have a health crisis in play.

At the same time as noted above Welfare recipients and Illegal Immigrants have no requirement to get vaccinated [14].

The bottom line? The Liberal Left is looking for compliance unrelated to the Facts and Science. They already have compliance from Welfare recipients and Illegal Immagrants, who believe their Free Stuff could be at risk if they fall out of line with the Liberal Left agenda. The Liberal Left is using the Vaccine tool to get their grip on traditionally conservative segments of the population - hard workers, and especially medical, first responder and military personnel - by threatening the disruption of their careers and aspirations.

Don't Take The Bait

  1. Did LBJ Say ‘I’ll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years’? Snopes
  2. Did LBJ Say, ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’? Intellectual Takeout
  3. Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger Daily Caller
  4. Robert Byrd Wikipedia
  5. Civil Rights Act of 1964 Wikipedia
  6. List of places named after Robert Byrd Wikipedia
  7. Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
  8. School voucher Wikipedia
  9. Daily Update 10-20-21 Republican Party of Arizona
  10. Nike pulls sneaker bearing Betsy Ross flag, a symbol adopted by American extremists and neo-Nazis NZME Publishing Limited
  11. Betsy Ross and the American Flag US history.org
  12. Washington Redskins name opinion polls Wikipedia
  13. Kamala Harris's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Anti-Science and Dangerous for Public Health The American Presidency Project
  14. Court Blasts Biden's Anti-Work Vaccine Mandate Right & Free
  15. ‘Emotionally Abusing Our Children’: Mom Criticizes ‘Communist Values’ at School Board Meeting The Daily Signal
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